MMED 3020 - week 03

Welcome: Today we play with Biped

Who here still plays Pokemon Go? Apparently this is actually a Dragonball Z reference.
I only just discovered this meme (thanks 'know your')

...wait, where was I? Ah Biped!

In the (un?)likely event that I don't know and cannot show all there is to the joy of biped, here are some useful links to supplement your training:



BASIC ANIMATION (in case you've forgotten animation stuff)

With that behind us, lets begin.

1) Create a basic biped rig
2) Figure mode
3) The BIP (Bip001)
4) Setting the structure of biped
5) Modify proportions
6) Copy/Paste Opposite
7) Exit figure mode and start animation (if we get that far)

This image along the left hand side here is a reminder of some of the settings I want to start with for simple animation.

3dsMax is full of fun menus like this.